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Important Q & A

What happens from here?

Our tech team will soon be in the process of constructing your profile using the information you provided us via your application. This process will be completed within a 24 hour time frame. We will notify you once your profile is live.

My PayPal e-mail address is different to that of my application/correspondence. What should I do?

Please notify us. It will save us time, confusion and will speed up the process of constructing your profile.

How do I edit my profile?

If at any time you would like to alter your content or photos, simply notify us via e-mail with your suggested changes attached. We will then make the necessary changes for you.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. If you need to cancel for any reason, please notify us and specify when you would like your profile deactivated / account ceased. Unless an emergency, we will do so within 24 hours.

Welcome Aboard!

From the Team at A Gentleman Caller.

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